The Benefits Of Deep Tissue

June 2, 2023
The Benefits Of Deep Tissue

Deep tissue massage is one of the most common massage techniques. It feels great and has many benefits such as:


-Getting used to massage therapy

-Relieve tension

-Promote blood flow


-Aid in rehabilitation

-Lower blood pressure

As you train more, your body needs time to recover and perform at optimum levels. Recovery is important part of a sustaining and improving muscle health. Often, we forget that our muscles not only need the right nutrient and water intake but also need to be cared for (rolling and massage) to prevent feeling more pain, uncoil muscle fibres and aid in the removal of metabolic waste. Deep tissue massage works on the deeper muscles of the body that often can be difficult or uncomfortable to try to self-release with a foam roller or massage ball.  Deep tissue massage starts by warming up the muscle and slowly the pressure becomes more intense. It can at times be uncomfortable as the muscle fibres are being compressed and often people may not realise how many places they are sore! It is common to hear in treatment times “I didn’t know that was sore”. During the treatment the therapist will ask how is the pressure? please be honest. Too much pressure does not aid in recovery – it slows it down.  Remember this is about unwinding the body not stressing it more. After a killer week of trying to reach goals and putting everything into WOD, deep tissue massage is great therapy to use. Lactic acid and fluid movement is important after exercise to reduce delayed onset muscle soreness. If you continue to not take care of your muscles, they will become tired, not be able to function at optimum levels and mentally you will become tired of being sore, this can lead to being grumpy, irritable and put you off your fitness goals and affect your life style. Massage therapy isn’t just for special occasions it is for physical and mental health and deep tissue can help you reach your goals and remain happy.  All massage treatments are tailored to suit the individual and a massage after your last work out of the week or rest day is an optimum time for recovery.We're lucky enough to have our own in house Remedial Massage Therapist. If you want to find out more about our remedial services CLICK HERE to get in touch.

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