June 2, 2023

Huge congrats to our Malaga Athlete of the Month for June, Lisa Picton! Lisa has been at Access for a few years now and a big part of our community. One of our amazing Mums who comes in and gets it done, often with her little ones playing down the back of the gym and also watching their Mum get fit and strong. Lisa has made some amazing results lately, not only physically but mentally as well. Lisa's mindset has changed and it has been an awesome progress to watch. We look forward to watching this fit Mum achieve more goals this year!Let's get to know more about this inspiring athlete here:• Name: Lisa Picton

• Age: 32

• Occupation: Stay at home mum

• How long have you been at CrossFit Access? Started in June 2015

• What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit? Loving the nanna life lately - drinking tea, going to bed early, going to Kmart and being with my rugrats

• What is your favourite and least favourite movements or WODs? Least: Snatches and OHS, yuck. Favourite: Burpees and HSPU. Starting off hating enduro a few months ago but now I absolutely love it, can't believe I don't mind running now

• What your biggest achievement so far? Deficit HSPU and stringing together 8 T2b as well as the change I've had with my mental game and realising how important consistency is.

• What are your future goals? Hopefully one day to be able to do as many bar muscle ups as my 9 year old daughter

• Tell us something we don’t know about you. The big scar across my stomach is from having my kidney removed at 6 months old

• Who’s your box buddy? Used to be 9.15 for years but I have since had to change my training times, love being able to train with all different people now. Very happy I've convinced Theoni to join.

• Why did you start CrossFit ? I was training at a 24 hour gym and teaching group fitness classes before Crossfit but was getting bored and never had constant motivation, James my husband was training at a different crossfit box and was having great results so I finally bit the bullet and decided to find my own box. Malaga at the time had a 9am class that fitted in perfecly with school drop off. After my first week I knew I had found what I was looking for.

• What do you love about CrossFit Access? You are walking into such a positive environment with like minded people. Everyone only wants the best for you no matter how big or small your fitness goals are. The coaches make an effort to get to know you and will learn the best way to push you so you are doing your best. And of course a big plus to us is how family oriented Crossfit Access is, not only have I made friends for life so have my children.

• Any advice for anyone just starting their CrossFit journey? Everyone has to start at the beginning, at first it can be pretty daunting but keep going and you'll be smashing out goals you may have never thought possible in no time. Crossfit works for everyone

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