Athlete of the Month May Morley 2018

June 2, 2023
Athlete of the Month May Morley 2018

Huge congrats to our athlete of the month for May, Marrelle!  Marrelle is one of our fantastic coaches who has been working tirelessly on improving her skills from Gymnastics to Olympic lifting which has all paid off in her CrossFit! She also organised the Masters League workouts for the month of May which has seen awesome turnouts every Saturday.  All Of these aspects has led her to becoming better in every aspect both as an Athlete and Coach! It has been great to watch this evolution unfold. It's always great to see such a big lifestyle change in our members, and always a pleasure working with you!

Let's get to know more about this inspiring athlete here:

• Name: Marrelle Bozanich

• Age: 41

• Occupation: Key Account Manager / Nutrition & Wellbeing Coach

• How long have you been at CrossFit Access? 4 years

• What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit? Going out with friends for food.

• What is your favourite and least favourite movements or WODs? Fav: Deadlifts. Least: HSPU - I bet everyone thought id say running lol

• What your biggest achievement so far? Getting a ring muscle up.

• What are your future goals? to establish the @fitfun_foodie or be half descent at gymnastics.

• Tell us something we don’t know about you. I once owned my own clothing store and label and I'm a shoe addict!

• Who’s your box buddy? Everyone

• Why did you start CrossFit? I've always played sport but let it all slip so I became fat and unfit and need a challenge and new start and CrossFit was the perfect prescription.

• What do you love about CrossFit Access? The community, these people become your family.

• Any advice for anyone just starting their CrossFit journey? Just remember we were all beginners once so don't beat your self up if you can't do will get there !

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