Athlete of the Month May Wangara 2018

June 2, 2023
Athlete of the Month May Wangara 2018

Huge congrats to our May Athlete of the month at Wangara, Gabby! One of our strong girls at CrossFit Access who recently competed at 3v3 Showdown and came so close to a podium. She’s an absolute gun at running & heavy back squats and has now turned her focus to improving her gymnastics. Gabby had a long term injury when she started with us and has shown that modifying workouts and clever coaching means she doesn’t need to limit her training.

Let's get to know more about this inspiring athlete here:

• Name: Gabby Chesher

• Age: 28

• Occupation: Legal Secretary/PT

• How long have you been at CrossFit Access? 8 months

• What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit? I love the beach, hanging with my fur child Odin, Camping, fishing, eating and WINE!

• What is your favourite and least favourite movements or WODs? I love power cleans and funny enough burpees. Least favourite is snatches and over head squats

• What your biggest achievement so far? Finally stringing together a few TTB and kipping pull ups

• What are your future goals? To smash any movement above my head (work on my shoulder rom)

• Tell us something we don’t know about you. I have lived in 3 different states, I finally have found my home – PERTH!

• Who’s your box buddy? I love them all but you will find me gas bagging with Jackie always!

• Why did you start CrossFit? I started CrossFit because I was struggling to find my motivation, going to a normal gym everyday “lifting weights” and just got sick of the same thing each week.

• What do you love about CrossFit Access?  I love the group training atmosphere, the programming is always faultless, everyday is always a challenge, there will always be something new to learn and something to get better at. The coaches are next level and absolute clowns (Piggy and Aidan)! The people are what makes everyday fricking awesome!

• Any advice for anyone just starting their CrossFit journey? I always hear people say, I could never do CrossFit its way too hard for me. My advice is… Try it! anyone can do it, I especially love how Access will change up any workout to cater for all ages and fitness levels and lastly….don’t give up, practice makes perfect!

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