Why real CrossFitters keep coming back, time and time again...

June 1, 2023
Why real CrossFitters keep coming back, time and time again...

When discussing health and fitness, CrossFit is a topic which often comes up. People who take part in CrossFit seem to talk about it at any time they can drop it in the conversation!

You might hear how hard CrossFit can be or how sore your friends are from giving it their all, but you will probably also discover how good they feel and be curious to try it yourself. If you are someone who doesn’t have a friend in CrossFit, discovering the stories from numerous CrossFitters might just persuade you to give it a shot.

CrossFitters such as Cherise, Andrea, Peter, and Jocelyn will fill you with so much inspiration you won’t want to wait to start your own journey. There isn’t only one reason CrossFitters continue with their fitness and healthy lifestyle. The program seems to fulfil a different need for each person.

CrossFit is life-saving

Losing weight can solve a variety of health problems, even those that are life-threatening. For Cherise, CrossFit wasn’t only saving her life. She says, “It’s given me a life.” Cherise truly thought her life would soon be over. Being morbidly obese, a heart attack was only a matter of time for her. However, with CrossFit, Cherise lost more than 45kgs and now finds herself doing activities and sports that she never dreamed of.

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Doing CrossFit to better yourself is a standard in most cases. For Andrea, however, taking up the discipline began as a way for her to breathe better. With a rare lung and liver disease, Andrea struggled with a short walk or climbing a few stairs. During her first CrossFit class, she truly thought she might die. Instead of giving up, Andrea stuck with it because she “really liked the people.” Not only did CrossFit save her life, but Andrea made lifelong friendships thanks to the ongoing ‘teamwork’ mentality.

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With success stories like Cherise and Andrea, CrossFit has proven to change lives when it comes to health. Weight loss allows for the body to function better and easier. Cherise no longer worries about a heart attack on its way. Andrea has improved her lung function by leaps and bounds. CrossFit has given them lives worth living.

CrossFit builds self-esteem

Low self-esteem is often a battle for people who are overweight. The same is true for Peter and Jocelyn.

Peter found himself embarrassed about being photographed or simply being in public. He feared that people were always laughing at him or talking about him. However, he never felt judged at CrossFit. Peter’s friend Toni says, “I think the support is so huge – to feel accepted just how you are as you walk in the door.” It is this common thought among CrossFitters that makes them feel like they can keep pushing.

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Jocelyn tells a similar story regarding gaining confidence with CrossFit. She suffers from a mental condition called Body Dysmorphia, which is an abnormally strong hatred for one’s body. With the help of her coaches, Jocelyn finds her feelings towards herself have improved. She discovered new things that she could achieve with the push from each of her coaches. For Jocelyn, it was the coaches that have helped her reach goals and a big reason for her sticking with it.

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CrossFitters keep going back

CrossFitters have their own reasons for their dedication to the program. Cherise has a life ahead of her, Andrea lives easier and has friends, Peter has gained confidence, and Jocelyn is reaching goals with her coaches.

If you need the push to keep up your momentum – or even to get started in the first place – CrossFit can help you. Book a free trial class today.

Ready to start your journey towards better health? The first step is to book yourself in for a FREE trial session. All you need to do is CLICK HERE and complete the form. Then one of our coaches will call you right away to discuss your goals.

Photo by Hipcravo on Unsplash

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